Important H.U.R.T. VII 100 Update

We have had several informational inquiries about this year’s race. Below are some of the answers that we have been sharing with runners about this year’s event.

Runners have asked whether or not there were going to be any impromptu aid stations at H.U.R.T. this year. For those who ran last year there were two such places on the course; Pauoa Flats and the Grassy Knoll at Nuuanu. After considerable deliberation it has been decided that there will continue to be only three official aid stations for runners to get aid from. The aid stations are the same as those listed in the runners handbook and they are; Nature Center, Paradise Park, and Jackass Ginger (Nuuanu). Race management, in an effort to assure that all competitors have equal access to the same aid station supplies and to promote an evenly contested event, thereby prohibits accepting aid at any point on the course that is not designated as an aid station. Such places include but are not limited to Pauoa Flats, Nuuanu Grassy Knoll and any road crossing. As stated in the handbook, runners found to be accepting aid at non designated aid station will be disqualified from the event. Also please remember that stashing of supplies along the course is prohibited.

Course maps and driving maps are available in the handbook. It is advisable that each contestant print out the maps for their use. A limited amount of maps will be made available at the pre race brief. Despite race management’s efforts to provide you with a well marked course, course maps are highly recommended as marking tape has been known to disappear during events. Competitors would also be wise to only seek directions from those associated with the race.

Drop bags will not be accepted at the pre race brief. Please bring them with you on the morning of the event.

The final entrant log is being compiled. Once complete race bib numbers will be assigned and posted to the H.U.R.T. blog.

An after run banquet is being planned for the Willows Restaurant on January 15, 2007. This is a non hosted optional event which is not included in your entry fee. More details will be forthcoming on the Blog as a head count is needed.