
It's the night before the race as I type this. The supplies for the aid stations have all been purchased. The course has been marked with ribbons. The runners have picked up their race numbers, race packets, and attended the pre-race meeting given by the Race Directors. There in nothing much else to do. 

Oh wait, an army of volunteers will show up bright and early in the morning to set up the actual aid stations. Though the tents, porta-potties and other gear is ready, the aid stations really come alive when the volunteers show up and start adding their special energy to each aid station. The volunteers are there to take care of the runners and support them in this event. What the volunteers contribute is huge. Thank you now in advance for what you do. 

Yes, we have had some rain over the last few days and we may get some more before the race is finished at 6:00 p.m.(HST) on Sunday. However the reports we got today from the trail marking crew is that the course was not in that bad of shape. Muddy where it is always muddy–that's good but otherwise OK. 

So, the race is really up to the runners. Each will have their own individual HURT 100 and come away with their own unique experience. You will have to ask them to share their story with you. 

We will report updates through here as best we can. Please keep in mind that technology is great when it works and not so great when it doesn't. We will do our best to keep the live reports coming. Sometimes as urban as Honolulu is, given the race locale in the Koolau Mountains, we sometimes don't have the best cell coverage. 

We will all be kinda busy and probably not able to respond to comments during the race. 

Aloha, Bob