The 2013 HURT lottery will be on 8/4/2013 starting at 2 pm (HST).

Recall, that we will draw between 125-130 in the lottery. Over 280 people registered for the event, some of who had quite a few kukui nuts while others had just a couple. However, the beauty of the lottery regardless of "how many nuts one has" is that it still remains random. Who knows what a computer will do in the selection. Have faith, you all have hope.

If you would like to follow the action simply click on the Lottery Link , you can view and refresh your browser as the names are pulled.

For those in Honolulu we will be having a lottery party, details below:

Place: Huff residence,1639 Ala Makani Place, Honolulu, HI. (Moanalua Valley)

Date & Time: Party starts at 1 pm (HST), lottery starts promptly at 2 pm (HST) on 8/4/2013.

What to bring: The HURT is providing burgers, hot dogs, and beans. We also will have water, soda, juice and beer. Larry will have the grill fired up and the first batch of dogs / burgers ready at 1 pm. If you like, please bring 1 small side dish, some fuit or anything you desire to share (potluck style). Please don't bring too much as we always have too much food. You also need to bring a good attitude. This should be fun. Having said that some may go home sad since it is a lottery and you might not get selected. Family members welcome.

If you are allergic to dogs, please know we have two small hounds running about the house / property throughout the day. They both have a keen knowledge of the who the real runners are. Affectionate displays or willingness of the dogs to approach you might mean the dogs know something that we at the HURT 100 don't know (Fish will likely have some dog bones). If they run off the property I will be asking all those in attendance to head up the hill with me to look for them. We will reward an extra nut for next year's lottery if this were to happen.


HURT 100