The HURT 100 and Legacy 20 Lottery Registration is closed. We had over 500 registrants for the roughly 125 slots for the HURT 100. The lottery for each event will be held on 8/11/19 beginning at 1:00 pm HST. A link will be provided in the future to track the selected entrants.
The list of applicants is in UltraSignup.
A lottery party will be held on 8/11/19 at the Huff Residence at 1639 Ala Makani Place, Honolulu, 96819. Please come as early as 12:01 pm. The lottery draw will start precisely at 1:00 pm (HST).
The party itself will be potluck style. HURT will also provide some very light food, water, soda, and juice. If you choose to drink alcohol, please bring your own and we kindly ask that you act responsibly.
Parking is limited throughout the neighborhood. We ask that you don’t block the neighbors’ driveways or fire hydrants, as cars have been towed in the past. Carpooling is highly recommended.
There are 3 large dogs on the premises, all of which will be roaming the event. If you are averse to dogs and dog fur this probably isn’t the event for you.
Be prepared for much excitement and possibly angst throughout the event. We look forward to seeing you soon if you choose to attend the lottery party.
Best of luck.