The 2022 HURT 100 is in the books. While we couldn’t have a banquet this year, we’d still like to present our usual awards and recognition.
Top 3 Male/Female Runners
The Top 3 Male and Female runners were:
- Peter Mortimer, 1st place overall finisher of the 2022 HURT100. Photo by Mikey Brown
- Debbie Livingston, 1st place female finisher, 7th overall of the 2022 HURT100. Photo by Mikey Brown
- Sergio Florian, 2nd place overall finisher of the 2022 HURT100. Photo by Mikey Brown
- Anna Albrecht, 2nd place female finisher, 9th overall of the 2022 HURT100. Photo by Mikey Brown
- Cory Logsdon, 3rd place overall finisher of the 2022 HURT100. Photo by Mikey Brown
- Mele Demille, 3rd place female finisher, 11th overall of the 2022 HURT100. Photo by Mikey Brown
Each of the top three received an original award, designed, created and hand crafted by one of our own HURT Ohana, Rex Vlcek, along with local artists, craftsmen, and craftswomen. Fitting with our COVID pandemic struggles, the award is a bronze cast mask that used the “Lost Wax” method of mold making. Each Bronze Mask is an original work of art, and each is displayed in beautiful hand made wooden boxes. The awards were a collaborative effort of Rex, Leleo Kinimaka of Royal Hawaiian Woodwork, and the Sculpture Out of Hand foundry, owned by local artist Jackie Mild Lau. Rex and his friends do amazing work for the HURT awards every year.
Top Hawaiʻi Finishers
The HURT 100 was created to give Hawai’i runners a world class race that didn’t require a trip to the mainland. While HURT has become known worldwide, we like to remain true to our roots (lots of roots) and recognize our top Hawai’i finishers.
This year, three runners from Hawai’i were among the top 3 male and female runners: Sergio Florian (2nd male), Anna Albrecht (2nd female), and Mele DeMille (3rd female).
Paul Encarnación Belt Award
The “Paul Encarnación Belt Award” was started in 2016 by the race directors to honor someone who they think of as their “hero” for their accomplishment in the race, such as overcoming unusual adversity.
The runners selected are given a custom leather belt designed by California Bohemian Leather. The original belt was designed for Paul to fit his 2015 HURT 100 belt buckle and included a hand tooled design representing the rain forest of the HURT 100. This year’s belt has been redesigned, and the leather tooling matches the style of our new finisher’s buckle.
Andrew “Ace” Ewing (nominated by Stan Jensen):
Ace was running well through Mile 45 when the wheels came off and he started vomiting and couldn’t keep any food or fluids down. At Mile 80 he told me he was thinking about quitting (after an 8:32 lap, the second slowest of all finishers), but dug deep and finished in 34:17:53.
Jon Willman (nominated by Jeff Huff):
With an impressive Ultrasignup resume from 50k-70 miles, Jon had but one previous 100-mile finish (Mogollon Monster 9/11/21). From the outset it was apparent that Jon would traverse the course methodically and not bank time. Of all the 100-mile finishers, Jon was the last one to reach each of the aid stations. His conservative 6 plus hours for Lap 1 and 2 served him well throughout. At 60 miles with a time of 21 hours, or a 7-hour average lap, he would be pushing the envelope on the cut-off times if he couldn’t maintain a similar average over the final 40 miles. While fighting darkness for a few more hours on Lap 4, he was able to maintain his pace. Jon’s final 40 miles was done in 14:45. Talk about consistency through adversity! From the outset, he knew his conservative, but steady approach would put him close to the cutoffs. Through it all he persevered and finished strong to ring the bell, kiss the sign, and get that buckle.
Teresa Allman (nominated by Carl Gammon)
Teresa was one of our 100-mile virgins, choosing the very difficult HURT course for her first 100-mile attempt. Staying upbeat throughout the race, Teresa finished in 33:31:23. Looking at her background, I discovered that Teresa had run six out of seven HURT Trail Series races last year, being top woman in three and among the top three finishers in all. I tried to research her ultra experience but couldn’t find any. Wow! The only other race listed for her on UltraSignup was a trail half marathon in 2018. Even if there are a few ultra finishes I didn’t find, it still makes her HURT finish even more remarkable. Teresa is a runner to watch, and I think we’ll see more great things from her in the future.
Aleca & Tonto Award
Monica Scholz and Phil McColl are longstanding members of the HURT Ohana and huge supporters of runners, ultras, and overcoming the odds.
Monica and Phil created this award to honor the first male and female 100-mile virgin finishers. These are runners who (willingly!) choose to overcome significant odds by making their very first 100 miler the notoriously difficult HURT 100. This year’s winners are Andrew Cassano (29:38:34) and Mele DeMille (29:42:07).

This award is named after Monica and Phil’s two pups Aleca (floppy eared) and Tonto (pointy eared), who are both shelter dogs who’ve faced many of their own challenges in life. In addition to beautifully carved wooden plaques, each runner received a check for $250.
The person who makes the virgin awards is Marian Hawkins who has been making creative awards for HURT since the late ‘90s, and started with our Trail Series trophies.

When we were helping with trail maintenance, Na Ala Hele gave us a few of the old trail signs that were being replaced, and Marian turned these into beautifully wood mounted engraved trophies.

Marian has been making the Tonto and Aleca Virgin Awards all along, showing the dogs’ pictures sent to us by Monica.
Other “virgin” runners completing the HURT 100 as their first ever 100-mile event include:
- Teresa Allman, 33:21:33
- Roy Gilb, 33:45:07
- Mark McKeague, 33:53:15
- Al Tod, 34:28:19
- Andrea Smith, 34:54:40
- Austin Semmel, 35:24:58
- Becca Frager, 35:25:38
- Shannon Flynn, 35:25:50
“Run, Sue, Run” Award
The “Run, Sue, Run” award goes to the runner who is the last to leave the Makiki aid station for their 5th loop at 80 miles and still finish. The award is named for Sue Lohr, who in 2017 arrived with less than 19 minutes to spare and finished almost 50 minutes before the final cutoff!
This year’s award goes to Jon Willman, who’s time at Makiki sets the new record for the latest to leave on their last loop and successfully finish. Checking in after four loops with just 8 minutes and 12 seconds until the cutoff, Jon was in and out in a flash. He managed to just stay ahead of the cutoffs at both Manoa (Pirates) and Nu’uanu. Digging deep and finding energy on the final leg back to the Nature Center at Makiki, Jon finished with 14 minutes spare.
“Run, Sue, Run” Winners
- 2017 – Sue Lohr (28:41:18 -> 35:10:16)
- 2018 – Glen Oshiro (29:03:50 -> 36:19:15) <= missile crisis extended cutoffs by 30 minutes
- 2019 – Steven Mortinson (28:49:16 -> 35:39:02)
- 2020 – Adrian Mannix (28:38:32 -> 35:23:30)
- 2022 – Jon Willman (28:51:48 -> 35:45:56)
Race Photos
Big mahalo to our photographers who captured our race this year.
Kalani Pascual
Brent Wong
Mikey Brown
Click on the button below to view the photos.
Our Partners
HURT would like to again acknowledge our wonderful partners for their contributions to HURT 2022. We could not have asked for a better team of partners to help make this event successful. Our sincere aloha and mahalo!
GU, Skratch, Drymax, Squirrel’s Nut Butter, Kokua Sun Care, 2Toms, Runner’s HI, Athletic Brewing, Menehune Water, Uloha, Outside Rocks, Starbucks, and Honolulu Disposal Service.
Special thanks to Johnny Lingao of The Orchid Lei Company for donating the beautiful white orchid finisher leis!